Optimistic nihilism embraces the idea that life's inherent meaninglessness is, in fact, positive. The conflict between intrinsic meaninglessness and our search for meaning is both absurd and liberating. We are free to create our own meaning yet ultimately, there is none. By acknowledging both the futility and the opportunity, we can find joy.
This is a long form generative art collection. Each piece is generated using the same algorithm but with a different seed for the pseudorandomness that defines the various decisions in the piece.
Published via ArtBlocks as a series of 270 unique pieces and now sold out. You can read more about the project in this article.
Meaningless #29
Meaningless #31
Meaningless #35
Meaningless #47
Meaningless #56
Meaningless #89
Meaningless #98
Meaningless #148
Meaningless #193
Meaningless #205
Published via ArtBlocks as a series of 270 unique pieces and now sold out. You can read more about the project in this article.