Twisted Ribbons

The idea

I’ve been taking part in Genuary, an online event with daily prompts for generative artists and creative coders through the month of January. We’re a little way into February now and I still have four prompts to do (work took over) but I have really enjoyed the whole event.

The prompt for Day 22 was suggested by Louis-André Labadie:

Draw a line. Wrong answers only.


I started by making a row of vertical lines (see first image below). Then I set the angle for each of those lines to be slightly more tilted than the one before it (see second image below).

download - 2021-02-07T135720.411.png
download - 2021-02-07T135754.085.png

Next I increased the number of lines in the row, (first image below) and lowered the opacity of each line (second image below).

download - 2021-02-07T140044.196.png
download - 2021-02-07T140033.385.png

Lowering the opacity overall means that areas where the lines are intersecting become more opaque, creating interesting shapes and gradients.

drawing the lines

Let’s take a closer look at how I’m actually drawing the lines.

Each line in the row has an xy position and an angle. To draw a line, you actually need 2 xy positions.


I could have used trigonometry to calculate these positions but, instead, I used transformations to move the origin to the line’s xy location, rotate the whole canvas by the line’s angle.

From there, there are a couple of different ways to draw the line:

  • Use (0,0) as the first point, and (0, lineLength) as the second point. This means that all the lines rotate around one end of the line (first image below).

  • The second is to use (0, -lineLength/2) and (0, lineLength/2) as the points. This means the lines rotate around the centre of the line (second image below).

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download - 2021-02-07T161518.590.png

I used a combination of these methods throughout.


To add more variety to the shapes, I introduced an offset to the y position of the lines. I used a sin wave to determine the amount of offset, to create smooth waves in the ribbons.

That leads to results like this:

download - 2021-02-07T145054.681.png
download - 2021-02-07T145132.521.png

I also tried playing with the length of the lines throughout the row, using Perlin noise in a similar way.

At first I found the results of this were often very jaggy but using a wide range of variation in the line lengths, combined with a very smooth transition through “time” in Perlin noise, can lead to nice results:

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download - 2021-02-07T145711.241.png
download - 2021-02-07T150110.072.png

Then I started adjusting the parameters like:

  • Amount of rotation per line

  • Number of lines in the ribbon

  • Line lengths

  • yOffset size

This leads to lots of different results and shapes.

I also added colour, and started drawing multiple ribbons on the same canvas.

Here is a collection of the results:


Curved Line Jellyfish


Geometric constellations